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ISNM-NSA - Niš 2003


The Sixth International Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics - Nonlinear Science and Applications - Niš 2003.

24 - 29. August, 2003

The Symposium is organized under the patronage
of the Department of Technical Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The Symposium is supported by Scientific Projects 1616 Real Problems on Mechanics and 1828 Dynamics and Control of Active Structures
Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of Republic Serbia


18000 NIš, Yugoslavia, Beogradska 14
Prof. Dr Katica (Stevanovic) HEDRIH

Tel.: (+381 18) 524-915, Fax: (+381 18) 524-930
e-mail:,  (khedrih@eunet.yu)


The Proceedings of the Abstracts contain 25 abstracts of Invited Plenary Lectures and  77 abstracts of Short Contributed Lectures accepted for presentation at the Sixth International Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics, Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Niš 2003 (The 6th ISNM  NSA NI["2003), to be held in Ni[ , Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia) August 24-29, 2003.

The Sixth ISNM  NSA NI["2003 is a continuation of the following symposiums and conferences: The First Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics 1983.,  Arandjelovac, 23-25 November 1983; First Yugoslav Conference on Nonlinear Deterministic and Stochastic Processes in Dynamical Systems with Applications YCNP Ni["91, August 27-30,1991 at  the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Ni[, as well as of two  Minisymposiusms on Nonlinear Mechanics under the patronage of Yugoslav Society of Mechanics,  XXII and XIII Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ni["95 and Vrnjacka Banja" 97. and the Fifth Yugoslav Symposium on Nonlinear MechanicsNonlinear Sciences at the Threshold of the Third Millennium  (YUSNM NI["2000) Ni{, October 2-5, 2000.

Academician Yuri Alekseevich Mitropolskiy, a prominent scientist, who is  well known  all over the world and who gave outstanding contribution to nonlinear mechanics, gave a General Lecture entitled "Adiabatic Processes in Nonlinear Oscillatory Systems". Academician Mitropolskiy was a distinguished guest of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ni[ at that Symposium and was the only participant from abroad..

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of this first Symposium was K. (Stevanovic) Hedrih, and she gave a Contributed Lecture entitled  "Asymptotic Solution of the equations of nonlinear oscillations of thin elastic shells with positive Gauss"s curvature in two-frequency regime".

Among 32 contributed lectures at the First Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics Arandjelovac"83 nine were given by scientist working at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ni[.

                The First Yugoslav Conference on Nonlinear Deterministic and Stochastic Processes in Dynamical Systems with Applications YCNP Ni["91, was held from August 27-30,1991 at  the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Ni[. Proceedings - Abstracts of Lecture contain the abstracts of Invited Lectures written by prominent Scientists: Vladan Djordjevic (YU), William Nash (USA, Editor in Chief, at present Editor Emeritus, of a famous and well-known international Journal Nonlinear Mechanics, published by Pergamon Press), who took part in the Conference, Kazuyuki Yagasaki (Japan, a young scientist with significant scientific results) and others.

                Academician Yu. A, Mitropolski was the invited participant with the Plenary Lecture at  the XXII Yugoslav Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ni["95 as well as at the Minisymposiums on Nonlinear Mechanics Ni["95. Academician Felix Chernousko, academician Anthony Kounadis and professor Guisepe Rega gave the invited Plenary Lectures at Yugoslav Minisymposiums on Nonlinear Mechanics as well.

                 It is time to remember those who initiated research on nonlinear mechanics at the Chair for mechanics and at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ni{. At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Danilo P. Raskovic organized the first postgraduate studies in the area of Applied Mechanics. He directed his postgraduate students towards the study of nonlinear mechanics and nonlinear oscillations. He sent his student to specialize in the fields of mathematical physics, nonlinear differential equations and nonlinear mechanics at the Institute of Mathematics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, under the mentorship of the distinguished Yury Alekseevich Mitropolskiy.

Professor Danilo Raskovic, the first Head of the Chair for mechanics and academician Yuri Mitropolskiy, with their work have had permanent influence on the members  of the Chair of Mechanics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ni[;  it, therefore, stands to reason that the Fifth International Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics was again held in Ni[, in 2000., at the threshold of the Third Millennium. Academician Mitropolski was Chairman of the Symposium.

                During the last two decades, academician of ANS, Veljko A. Vujicic gave scientific support in the organizations of the Symposiums on Nonlinear Mechanics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Ni[.

For the last five years, academician of RAN Vladimir Matrosov and academician of RAN  V. Rumyancev, have also supported our symposiums with Lectures in the area of nonlinear mechanics. Professor Guizeppe Rega from Italy, and academician Anthony Kounadis fom Technical University Athens gave their contribution too. Academicians Nikola Hajdin, Vladan Djordjevic and  B. Vujanovic, helped to organize the previous symposiums.

Nonlinear Mechanics is a subject of great importance in the development of science and technology. The aim of the Symposium is to provide a forum to exhibit the progress in this field during the past three years and a place to further the interaction of modern mathematics and modern mechanics, as well as modern engineering sciences. The Symposium provided an extraordinary opportunity for scholars to meet and discuss recent advances in Nonlinear Mechanics. The participants represented a wide range of expertise, from pure theoreticians to people primarily oriented toward applications. A significant achievement of the Symposium were very extensive discussions taking place over the whole range from highly theoretical questions to practical engineering applications.

The main conclusion, from a total of 101 abstracts of lectures presented in this proceedings, that can be drawn is that nonlinear mechanics as  a subject has gained in extent as far as both methodology and applicability are concerned.

Professor W. Schihlen from University of Stuttgart, vice president of IUTAM, wrote: "So what is new in nonlinear dynamics and Mechanics today? The initial scope of applications in solid mechanics has broadened to cover material processing, inelasticity and fracture mechanics. In rigid body dynamics, more complex systems such as vehicles, robotics and controlled machines have come into the purview of nonlinear dynamics. On the mathematical side of nonlinear dynamics, it is now recognized that spatio-temporal problems, hysteretic and time delay problems are the new frontiers in this field. Also the term ‘complexity’ has been added to the lexicon of the chaos theory to describe the dynamics of many interacting sub-systems which can exhibit self-organization and evolution. Complexity analysis has gained a foothold in biological and some social sciences as well as in fluid and chemical physics. It remains to be seen what impact it will have in applied mechanics and engineering.

A sequence of Symposiums has been supported by scholars, dealing with Nonlinear sciences,  from Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Greece, USA, Poland, China, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Brazil, Czech, Slovenia.

I would here like to express my heartfelt thanks to all members of the Scientific Committee and also to the participants for their engagement in organizing of the Symposium, including the preparation of manuscripts which will be published in the University Journal Facta Universitatis, Series Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics, Series Mechanical Engineering and Series Civil Engineering.

Finally, on behalf of my colleagues in Serbia and Montenegro, I would like to wish all the participants of the Symposium a warm welcome.

             Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih,

Chairman of Organizing Committee

July 13, 2003, University of Niš




Registration desk opens on August 24, 2003, at 6:00 P.M. in the Hall of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Niš. All the registered participants shall be supplied with the Symposium Program and Booklet of Abstracts, CD-Proceedings, new issue of Facta Universitatis as well as other information, at the desk.

 The opening ceremony will be held on August 25, 2003 at 11 hour at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Nis.

             Invited Plenary Lectures should not exceed 16 pages; invited section lectures - 12 pages; short scientific papers 6 pages, and professional papers 4 pages.

                The paper must include: the title, author"s full name, scientific deegre, institution and address. The top of the first page (7 cm) should be left empty, while the text should be typed in Times New Roman or Times New Roman Bold 12 (for titles) and 10 (for the text) and laser-printed.

                All drawings and illustrations should be fitted into the paper and printed integrally, while those which are not printed, should be drawn in by India ink.

                Selected, i. e. accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics – Nonlinear Sciences and Applications Niš 2003 - corresponding Special Issues of the University Journal Facta Universitatis (Series "Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics", "Civil Engineering and Architecture" or "Mechanical Engineering" - University of Niš and other)  according to the given classification, they are therefore to be submitted  in the publishable form.

 The Registration Fee

          The registration fee of  US $ 150 should be made payable to the bank account of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - University of Niš (DEUTSCHE BANK FTAKFURT swift: DEUTDEFF – AIK Banka AD NIŠ EUR Acc No 9358995 S. W.I.F.T.: AIKB YU22, MAŠINSKI FAKULTET NIŠ 54410077-185 -6th ISNM NSA NIŠ "2003) or at the Registration Desk.

 (Kotizacija u dinarima 9000,00. Ziroracun Mašinskog fakulteta u Nišu: 840-1745660-81 poziv na broj 742321-031 Simpozijum)

                Organizations sending more than five participants shall be given a 10% discount.

                Accompanying persons are not expected to pay the registration fee.

                Participants of the age of 35 and younger who are not sponsored by any institution, i. e. who bear the expenses of the registration fee by themselves, will be expected to pay half-fee (50%).


Accommodation for the participants of the Congress is available, if booked in due time, in the following hotels:

      in Niš - "AMBASADOR" , "NIŠ", "CENTROTURIST" and "NAIS"

      in Niška Banja "RADON" and "ZELENGORA"

      in the Students" Hostel

                Accommodation should be reserved in direct contacts with the hotels not later than 20 May 2003, or with Organizing Committee. The organizer will try to provide for a discount for all participants of the Symposium. Please inform us.


For Your Information:

Hotel “Ambasador”  single room with bathroom, and with breakfast  1500,00-1800,00 YUDIN (appr. 30-40 USD $ or EUR) for one day. Telephone for reservation 381 18  525 514 (or 525 511  *  525 512  *  525 513).

      in the Students" Hostel  single room with bathroom (appr. 5,00-10,00 EU) for one day.



From Airport Belgrade (Surchin) to  BUS Station (or Railway Station) 

Bus ticket   120,00 YUDIN (cca. 2,00 EUR or USD)

Duration of  journey  cca. 20 min


From BUS Station Belgrade to the BUS Station Niš 

Bus ticket   480,00 YUDIN (appr. 8,00 EUR or USD)

Duration of Travel  appr. 3,15 hour


From  BUS Station Niš  to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

On foot  5 min  (direction opposite to main exit, through assistance exit)


 Dear Colleague, Professor

 Thank You for asing about the Registration Fee.  The Registration Fee can be payed at the registration desk after You have arrived. We are not sure that the money can be promptly transferred from Your banks to banks in Serbia and Montenegro (Yugoslavia).

We will be expecting You.

Welcome to Niš,

Sincerely Yours,

Organizing Committee

Tel.: (+381 18) 524-915, Fax: (+381 18) 524-930
e-mail:,  (khedrih@eunet.yu)

Serbia Map
City Maps
City Maps
Program Schedule V - 6th ISNM NSA NIS 24-29 August 2003.
Program Schedule for Friday, August 29 2003.
Program Schedule IV - 6th ISNM NSA NIS 24-29 August 2003
Program Schedule for Thrsday August 28 2003.
Program Schedule III - 6th ISNM NSA NIS, 24-29 August 2003.
Program Schedule for Wednesday August 27, 2003.
Program Schedule II - 6th ISNM NSA NIS, 24-29 August 2003.
Program Schedule for Tuesday August 26, 2003.
Program Schedule I 6th ISNM NSA NIS 24-29 August 2003
Program Schedule Sunday August 24, 2003 and Monday August 25, 2003
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The Symposium is organized under the patronage of the Department of Technical Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Dear participants of the Sixth Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics, This symposium, entitled Sixth International Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics Nonlinear Sciences and Applications Niš 2003 (The 6th ISNM NSA NIŠ'2003), as was the case with the previous one, entitled ‘Nonlinear Sciences at the Threshold of the Third Millenium’, is organized with the wish to unite in a single symposium, on the basis of the Mathematical Phenomenology of Mihajlo Petrovic Alas, quite disparate sciences with the aim of integrating the knowledge of the participants of our symposium. This is a serious and long-term task of science. How did it all start? It started here, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš.

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Vaša IP adresa je:
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ul. Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Srbija.
Telefoni: Odsek za nastavna i studentska pitanja: 018/588-228; Dekanat: 018/588-255;
Računarski centar: 018/588-229; Zavod: 018/588-199; Sekretar: 018/588-233; Faks: 018/588-244;
E-mail:; PIB: 100662813; Žiro račun: 840-1745666-63.