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Početna strana  > ŽIVOT NA MFN > Lične prezentacije > Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih > Chapter in Books – Hedrih (Stevanovic) R. Katica
Chapter in Books – Hedrih (Stevanovic) R. Katica

1. Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2005), Nonlinear Dynamics of a Heavy Material Particle Along Circle which Rotates and Optimal Control, Chaotic Dynamics and Control of Systems and Processes in Mechanics (Eds: G. Rega, and F. Vestroni), p. 37-45. IUTAM Book, in Series Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Editerd by G.M.L. Gladwell, Springer,. 2005, XXVI, 504 p., Hardcover ISBN: 1-4020-3267-6.

2* Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2005),  Homoclinic Orbits Layering in the Coupled Rotor Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaotic Clock Models, SM17 – Multibody Dynamics (M. Geraldin and F. Pfeiffer), p. Lxiii – CD - SM10624, Mechanics of the 21st Century (21st ICTAM, Warsaw 2004) - CD ROM INCLUDED, edited by Witold Gutkowski and Tomasz A. Kowalewski, IUTAM,  Springer 2005, ISBN 1-4020-3456-3, Hardcover., p. 421+CD.  ISBN-13 978-1-4020-3456-5 (HB), ISBN-10 1-4020-3559-4(e-book), ISBN-13-978-1-4020-3559-3  

Mechanics of the 21st Century\

3. Hedrih (Stevanovic) R. Katica :Measurements of Dynamical System Integrity and Fracture Mechanics
Measurements of Dynamical System Integrity and Fracture Mechanics
Measurements of Dynamical System Integrity and Fracture Mechanics

4*  Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2005), Partial Fractional Order Differential Equations of Transversal Vibrations of Creep-connected Double Plate Systems, in Monograph - Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Edited by Alain Le Mahaute, J. A. Tenreiro Machado, Jean Claude Trigeassou and Jocelyn Sabatier, U-Book, pp. 289-302

Samocitata 12 (dvanaest)

5* Hedrih (Stevanović), K. (1998), Vectors of the Body  Mass Moments, Monograph paper, Three Topics from Mathematics and Mechanics, Mathematical institute SANU, Belgrade, Zbornik radova 8(16), 1998, pp. 45-104.  published in 1999 .(in English), (Zentralblatt Review).

6*. Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2004), Contribution to the coupled rotor nonlinear dynamics, Advances in nonlinear Sciences, Monograph, Belgrade, Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, 229-259. (engleski). ISBN 86-905633-0-X      UDC  530-18299(082)   51-73:53(082)  UKUP. STR. 261.  (English)
Hedrih (Stevanović) K., (2004), Prilog nelinearnoj dinamici spregnutih rotora,  Doprinos nelinearnim naukama, Monografija, Akademija nelinearnih nauka, Beograd, str. 228-258. (srpski).



Edition: Lives and Work of Serbian Scientists, Edited by Academician Miloje Sarić, Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd. Biographies and Bibliographies. Committee for the Research into the lives and Vork of the Scientistts of Serbian Origin (In Serbian with Abstract in English).

in Volume  I.
*  Hedrih (Stevanović), K.
Akademik Ljubomir Klerić (1844-1910), Biobiliografija, poglavlje u knjizi: Život i delo srpskih naučnika, urednik akademik Miloje Sarić, Srpska Akademija nauka i Umetnosti, Biografije i bibliografije, knjiga I, , str. 129-179, Beograd 1996. SANU Beograd.
(Academician Ljubomir Klerić (1844-1910), Bio-bibliography, Chapter in book: Lives and work of the Serbian Scientists, Edited by Academician Miloje Sarić, Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd. Biographies and Bibliographies. Committee for the Research into the lives and Vork of the Scientistts of Serbian Origin. Book I., pp. 129-179, Beograd 1996. (In Serbian with Abstract in English))

in Volume  III.
*  Hedrih (Stevanović), K.
Rektor Kosta Alković (1836-1909), Biobiliografija, poglavlje u knjizi: Život i delo srpskih naučnika, urednik akademik Miloje Sarić, Srpska Akademija nauka i Umetnosti, Biografije i bibliografije, knjiga III, , str. 33-71, Beograd 1998. SANU Beograd.
(Rektor Kosta Alković (1836-1909), Bio-bibliography, Chapter in book: Lives and work of the Serbian Scientists, Edited by Academician Miloje Sarić, Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd. Biographies and Bibliographies. Committee for the Research into the lives and Work of the Scientistts of Serbian Origin. Book III., pp. 33-71, Beograd 1998. (In Serbian with Abstract in English))

in Volume  VI.

*  Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih,
Akademik Tatomir P. Andjelić (1903-1993), Biobiliografija, poglavlje u knjizi: Život i delo srpskih naučnika, urednik akademik Miloje Sarić, Srpska Akademija nauka i Umetnosti, Biografije i bibliografije, knjiga VI, str. 435-485, Beograd 2000.
(Academician Tatomir P. Andjelić (1903-1993), Bio-bibliography, Chapter in book: Lives and work of the Serbian Scientists, Edited by Academician Miloje Sarić, Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd. Biographies and Bibliographies. Committee for the Research into the lives and Work of the Scientistts of Serbian Origin. Book VI., pp. 435-485, Beograd 2000. (In Serbian with Abstract in English)).

in Volume  X.
*  Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih i Milovan Studović
Profesor Danilo P. Rašković (1910-1985), Biobiliografija, poglavlje u knjizi: Život i delo srpskih naučnika, urednik akademik Miloje Sarić, Srpska Akademija nauka i Umetnosti, Biografije i bibliografije, knjiga IX, str. ???, Beograd 2003. (to appear)
(Professor Danilo P. Rašković (1910-1985), Bio-bibliography, Chapter in book: Lives and work of the Serbian Scientists, Edited by Academician Vladan Djordjević, Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd. Biographies and Bibliographies. Committee for the Research into the lives and Work of the Scientistts of Serbian Origin. Book  IX., pp. 239-270, Beograd 2003.-to appear, (In Serbian with Abstract in English)).

Saplememt Book in Inglish
Lives and Work of the Serbian Scientists, Volume I-X, Book of Abstracts, 2007p. 458,,Edited by Academician Vladan Djordjević, Dragomir Vitorovic and Dragoslav Marinkovic, Edition of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Beograd. Biographies and Bibliographies. Committee for the Research into the lives and Work of the Scientistts of Serbian Origin:
Hedrih (Stevanović), K., Akademik Ljubomir Klerić (1844-1910), pp. 125-128.
 Hedrih (Stevanović), K. , Rektor Kosta Alković (1836-1909), pp.3-4.
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih, Akademik Tatomir P. Andjelić (1903-1993,),pp.9-12.
Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih i Milovan Studović, Profesor Danilo P. Rašković (1910-1985),pp. 303-306.

Hedrih (Stevanović), K., Beseda o Mihajlu Petroviću, Legende Beogradskog Univerziteta, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Univerzitetska biblioteka „Svetozar Markovic“ u Beogradu,  2005, str. 37-48.

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Vaša IP adresa je:
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ul. Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Srbija.
Telefoni: Odsek za nastavna i studentska pitanja: 018/588-228; Dekanat: 018/588-255;
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