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Početna strana  > ISTRAŽIVANJE I USLUGE > Laboratorije > NASTAVNE LABORATORIJE > LUPS - Laboratorija za upravljanje sistemima
LUPS - Laboratorija za upravljanje sistemima

Лабораторија за управљање системима (ЛУПС) је наставна лабораторија
Машинског факултета која обезбеђује ресурсе за подршку настави и
истраживањима на Факултету у области мехатронике и управљања.  
*  Control systems laboratory (LUPS) is educational laboratory of the
Mechanical Engineering  Faculty of the University of Niš providing resources
to support education and research in the fields of mechatronic and control.

Одговорне особе * Resposible persons
Шеф Катедре за мехатронику и управљање * Head of Chair for
Mechatronics and Control: 
prof. dr Žarko Ćojbašić
Шеф Лабораторије за управљање системима * Head of the Control
Systems Laboratory
ass. mr. Ivan Ćirić 

Пример истраживачких активности * Example of research activities
Human tracking in 3D mobile robotic stereo vision

Спецификација важније лабораторијске опреме * Specification of Most
Important Lab Equipment






IAES Tempus

National Instruments NI USB 6009
Low-Cost Multifunction DAQ, LabView Academic Licence)

3 pcs.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

National Instruments LabView Robotics sbRIO starter kit for prototyping
(NI Single-Board RIO Robot, Evaluation Software)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

National Instruments NI ELVIS II+
Instrumentation, Design and Prototyping Platform)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

Quanser QNET Rotary Inverted Pendulum Board
(Lab setup for control design, simulation and mechatronics)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

Quanser QNET HVAC System board
(Lab setup for control design, simulation and mechatronics)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.


Quanser QNET VTOL 1DOF Helicopter Board for NI ELVIS

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.


Quanser QNET DC Motor Control Board for NI ELVIS

1 pc


Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

National Instruments NI myDAQ
Portable Measurement and Instrumentation Device)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

SIEMENS Academic Training Set PLB Bundle
(PLC Siemens Simatic S7-1200 training set, 6 x PLC + Software + Cabling)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

SIEMENS Academic Training Set PLC Bundle
PLC Siemens LOGO training set, 5 x PLC + Software + cabling)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

SIEMENS Academic Training Set HMI Bundle
(HMI Siemens SIMATIC Basic Panel KTP 600 for S7-1200 training set,
5 x Touch panel + cables + switches)  

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

LEGO Robotics Mindstorms NXT 2 Set
619 elements LEGO technic, 1 NXT micro-computer,
2 Touch Sensors, 1 Ultrasonic Sensor, 1 Color Sensor,
3 Interactive servo motors with built-in rotation sensors,
7 connector cables, User Guide, software, Test Pad)

3 pcs.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet international accreditation requirements.

IAES Tempus

Set of additional sensors and cables for Lego Robotics Mindstorms
(3x Gyroscopic, 3 x Sound Sensor,
 3 x Connector Cables)

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet internatinal accreditation requirements.

Ministry of Science of Serbia

dSpace rapid control prototyping system

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet internatinal accreditation requirements.

HBM Serbia

Vibration measurement and control set

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet internatinal accreditation requirements.

Termoinženjering Serbia

Siemens Synco 700 controller demo suitcase for inteligent buildings application

1 pc.

Lab support for existing and future courses and for research. Enhancement of lab facilites to increase educational level and meet internatinal accreditation requirements.






Najnovije vesti
Treća međunarodna konferencija Mašinsko inženjerstvo u XXI veku
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu organizuje Treću međunarodnu konferencija "Mašinsko inženjerstvo u XXI veku". Konferencija će se održati u Nišu 17-18. septembra 2015
Dodela zlatnih indeksa za studente generacije 1965/66
Mašinski fakultet u Nišu će 1. oktobra ove godine dodeliti zlatne indekse generaciji studenata koja je upisala Mašinski fakultet u Nišu pre 50 godina, školske 1965/66 godine.
Firma „OSA Računarski inženjering raspisuje IX javni nagradni konkurs pod nazivom „Petar Damjanović“ za izbor najboljeg rada iz oblasti mašinstva
Univerzitet u Nišu obeležava pola veka postojanja i rada
Ove i sledece nedelje svečanim pro- gramima Univerzitet u Nišu obeležava pola veka postojanja i rada. Programi su namenjeni svim članovima Univer- ziteta, studentima i gradjanima Niša
Pismo zainteresovanosti za zapošljavanje - Elixir Prahovo
Kompanija Elixir Prahovo IHP d.o.o. Prahovo nudi mogućnost zapošljavanja 5 diplomiranih mašinskih inženjera sa mestom rada u Prahovu
Vaša IP adresa je:
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ul. Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Srbija.
Telefoni: Odsek za nastavna i studentska pitanja: 018/588-228; Dekanat: 018/588-255;
Računarski centar: 018/588-229; Zavod: 018/588-199; Sekretar: 018/588-233; Faks: 018/588-244;
E-mail:; PIB: 100662813; Žiro račun: 840-1745666-63.