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CV Miroslav Trajanović

Prof. dr Miroslav Trajanovic

Laboratory for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nis
A. Medvedeva 14
18000 Nis
Phone 381 18 500 662


Dr Miroslav Trajanovic, Professor at Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia, has had got 30 years of experience in application of IT in mechanical engineering and education. Those experiences include the usage of the most popular CAE programs, writing programs for solving different engineering problems and  ducating students in IT. He is expert for computer programming, CAD, finite element method and expert systems. He is the author of more than 140 scientific and professional papers (published till 2010). He has also taken part in 15 scientific and professional team-projects supported by Serbian government and industry. He was also project leader for 10 projects mainly in IT and Mechanical Engineering, as well as two FP6 and two FP7 projects. He speaks English and French.


• From 1978 to 1995 Teaching Assistant at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis. He was engaged in practical work with students in several academic disciplines such as Machine Tools, Modeling and Optimization of Production Systems, Manufacturing, Measurement and Quality Control, Numerical Mathematics and Programming, Physics and Electrical Engineering with Electronics.
• From 1984 to 1989 he had been engaged as a part-time associate in the company EIProfessional Electronics in the project of the development of the numerical control for machine tools.
• From 1983 to 1987 he had been the Head of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Machining at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty.
• From 1993 till 2002 the Head of the Computer Lab of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis.
• From 1995 to 2000 Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis for subject Machine tools and Modeling and Optimization of Production Systems.
• From 2000 till 2006 Associate Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis for subjects Information technology, Modeling and Optimization of Production Systems, Rapid Prototyping Technologies and CNC machines and Robots.
• From 2006 till to-date Full Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis for subjects Information technology, Programming, Modeling and Optimization of Production Systems, Rapid Prototyping Technologies and CNC machines and Robots.
• From 2002 till 2006 director of Information system at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis.
• From 2003 till 2009 director of Innovation Centre for Information Technology.
• From 2005 till 2009 part time professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, Belgrade
• From 2004 till 2007 president of Expert commission for mechanical engineering and industrial software of Ministry of Science and Environmental protection of Republic of Serbia
• From 2007 till now president of Expert commission for industrial software and informatics of Ministry for Science and Technological Development
• From 2007 till to-date head of Chair for manufacturing, information technologies and management
• From 2008 till to-date Serbian representative in FP7 PEOPLE Program Committee
• From 2008 till to-date Serbian representative in European Commissions’ SG for Human Resources and Mobility
• He organized and held many courses in the fields of operating systems, programming languages, library information systems, CAD, FEA and the numerical control of machine tools.


• Graduate at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis in 1978.
• Defended M. Sc. thesis on “The Methodology of Assessing Thermal Deformations of Machine Tools Substructures with Experimental Models’ Verification” at the 
Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis in 1986.
• Defended Ph D thesis on “The Expert Systems for Modeling Machine Tools Structural Elements for the Static Analysis by the Finite Elements Method” at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty University of Nis in 1995.


Dr Miroslav Trajanovic was a member of teams for next scientific projects:

• Design of NC punching machine, 1979.
• Analysis and design of integrated production systems with automatic controlled machine tools 1979 - 1981.
• Research and development of screw press power subsystem, 1979 - 1981.
• Development, research and design of new power subsystem for screw press with numerical control from 1000 to 10000 KN, 1983-1985.
• Development of new methods for computer aided design, planning and foresight of mechanical products, 1983 - 1985.
• Research, development and design computer numerical control for machine tools, robots and process, 1984 - 1986.
• Development of operating and program system for computer numerical control of machine tools, 1986-1988
• Intelligent production system, Subproject: Development of system for computer aided products and technology design, 1986-1990
• Development of expert CAD/CAM system for rotational parts, 1988 -1990.
• Flexible production technology and flexible automated factory, 1988 -1993.
• Intelligent production systems for factory of the future, Subproject: Expert system for product design and process planning, 1994 -1997.
• Intelligent systems for process planning design, 1994-1997.
• Method of group decision making from the aspect of group productivity rising, 1994-1996.
• WEB – ENV - Development of environmental guidelines for the region of Western Balkans, EU-FP6,Contract Number INCO-CT-2004-510617, 2005-2007, European Commission
• WEB – MOB - Development of researchers mobility policy guidelines for the region of Western Balkans, EU-FP6, Contract Number 515923, 2006-2007, European Commission, WP leader for WP3 - Mapping Exercises
• I SEE MOB, Inter-sectoral Mobility of Researchers in South-Eastern Europe, EU-FP7, Grant agreement 234629, 2009-2012, European Commission, WP leader for WP5 - I-SEEMob Portal
• EURAXESS T.O.P., Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the Partners in the EURAXESS Services Network, EU-FP7, Grant agreement number 249143, 2010-2011, European Commission

He was also project leader for next projects:

• Development of Web servers with information about products and standard parts, 1997-1998.
• Car tires design and analysis, 1997-2001.
• Part*3D: An Internet Repository of 3D-Shape Product Models, 1999-2000.
• WebCat - Interactive Web Catalogue of Product Models, 2002-2003.
• NIBIS - Library Information System, 2002-2003.
• Computer aided development of tires, 2002 - 2004.
• SEEnergy – Collaborative portal for SEE RRCC, 2003 - 2004.
• NIOnet – Scientific and Research organizations network, 2003 - 2005.
• FIS – Faculty Information System, 2004 – 2005
• MIT Finanz Web Framework, MIT, Germany 2005
• SER MORE - Development of Serbian Network of Mobility Centers, EU FP7, Grant Agreement Number 225076, 2008-2011, European Commission
• TR12012, the Application of Information Technologies in Orthopedic Surgery, Ministry for Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, 2008-2010


1. An Approach to building of Internet Services for production Models, (koautori Svetlana Cvetanović, Ljiljana Domazet), ICCIM 2000, Singapoore, 2000.
2. Platforma za razvoj pneumatika u narednoj dekadi, Uvodni referat, Prvi naučno-stručni skup o pneumaticima, Pneumatici 2000, Vrnjačka banja, 2000.
3. Engineering Webtop Internet Service – Building framework for rapid mechanical design by using Internet services, (koautor Milan Zdravković), Proceedings of First National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Patras, Greece, 17th to 20th September, 2001
4. FEA model Building for tire analysis, (koautor Nikola Korunović), Proceedings of First National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Patras, Greece, 17th to 20th September, 2001.
5. Milos Stojkovic, Miroslav Trajanovic, Parametric design of automotive tyre, Proceedings of First National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Patras, Greece, 17th to 20th September, 2001.
6. Knowledge-Embedded Template Concept, (koautori M. Stojkovic, M. Manic) Proceedings 36th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 2003, p.p. 285-293.
7. Customized Tire Design Solution Based on Knowledge Embedded Template Concept, (koautori M. Stojkovic, M. Manic,  N. D. Korunovic), 27. Annual Meeting and Conference on Tire Science and Technology, Acron, 2003
8. Functional Model of the Tire Tread, (koautori M. Stojković, M. Manić, N. Korunović), Twenty-Third Annual Meeting and Conference of The Tire Society, Akron, Ohio, U.S. September 20-21, 2004.
9. Inkorporiranje vizuelnih informacija u bibliotečke zapise, (koautori D. Lilkić, O. Tošić), YU Info 2005, Kopaonik, Zbornik radova CD
10. Possibilities of using selective laser melting for tire mold manufacturing, (koautori J.Milovanovic, M.Stojkovic) Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN, 2005, pp. 731-740.
11. On semantics of design and manufacturing features in digital product model (M. Stojkovic, M. Manic), Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN, 2005, pp. 731-740.
12. Knowledge-Embedded Template Concept (M. Stojkovic, M. Manic, M. Trajanovic), CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 34 (2005), No 1
13. Static FEA and tyre design, (koautori Nikola Korunović, Miloš Stojković), Zbornik radova 7. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage, Virtuelle Prodikt und Prozessentwicklung, Magdeburg 2005, pp. 297-305.
14. Optimizacija dimenzija poprečnog preseka članaka prenosne koordinatne merne mašine, (koautor M Trifunović),CD Zbornik radova, Savetovanje proizvodnog mašinstva, 2005
15. B. Mišić – Ilić, Učenje na daljinu i nastava stranih jezika, Naučni skup “Multidisciplinarnost u nastavi jezika i književnosti”, Univerzitet Crne Gore, Filozofski fakultet u Nikšiću,  2006
16. M. Trajanović, M. Zdravković, N. Korunović, Problem mobilnosti istraživača u Srbiji, Zbornik radova SNTPI '06 - Sistem naučnih, tehnoloških i poslovnih informacija, Fruška gora, 2006
17. M. Trajanović, N. Vitković, upotreba tehnika reverzibilnog inženjerstva na primeru kašike varalice, Zbornik radova, YUinfo 2006, Kopaonik, 2006
18. J. Milovanović, M. Trajanović, M. Stojković, “Prednosti i nedostaci SLM tehnologije na primeru izrade alata za vulkanizaciju pneumatika“, 31. savetovanje proizvodnog mašinstva Srbije i Crne Gore sa mećunarodnim učešćem., Kragujevac, 19-21 septembar 2006, zbornik radova 461-468.
19. Milos S. Stojkovich, Miodrag T. Manich, Miroslav D. Trajanovich, Nikola D. Korunovich “Semantic Structures In The Product Data Model”, Proceedings: Product Lifecycle Management Accessing the industrial relevance – SP3, Milano, July 2007, p.p. 227-234
20. Milos S. Stojkovic, Miodrag Manic, Miroslav Trajanovic, Nikola Korunovic “Active Semantic Model Of Product Design And Manufacturing Features” Proceedings 40th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, May 2007
21. N.Korunović, M.Trajanović, M.Stojković, “Steady state rolling analysis of tyres: a cavity shape study”, Proceedings 8th Magdeburg days of mechanical engineering & 7th MAHREG innovation forum, 2007, p.p. 129-135
22. M. Trajanovic, D. Domazet; B. Misic – Ilic, Distance Learning аnd Foreign Language Teaching, 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI’2007), Sofia, 2007
23. N.Korunović, M.Trajanović, M.Stojković, FEA of tyres subjected to static loading, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol 1, No 1, SDRM, 2007
24. M. Zdravković, M. Trajanović, N. Vitković, Podrška izvršenju manuelnih aktivnosti u orkestraciji servisno-orijentisane arhitekture, Zbornik radova YUinfo 2007, Kopaonik, 2007
25. M. Zdravković, M. Trajanović, M. Manić, M. Trifunović, Integrisanje poslovnih servisa u malim i srednjim preduzećima proizvodne delatnosti, Zbornik radova YUinfo 2007, Kopaonik, 2007
26. M. Trajanović, Lj. Radović, Nastava matematike korišćenjem e-learning sistema, Zbornik radova YUinfo 2007, Kopaonik, 2007
27. Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M.,  “SOA zasnovano okruženje za formiranje lanaca snabdevanja i integrisano upravljanje narudžbinama u mrežama proizvodnih kompetencija”, IWCTQM, Beograd, 2007.
28. Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Manić, M., „SOA - zasnovan pristup u implementaciji planiranja poslovnih resursa u malim preduzećima“, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Mechanical Engineering Series, Vol.5, No.1, 2007,pp.97-104, 2007
29. J. Milovanović, M. Trajanović, “Medical applications of rapid prototyping“ Facta Universitatis series Mechanical engineering, vol 5, no 1, 2007, pp 79-85
30. Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Vitković, N., Izazovi SOA-zasnovanih virtuelnih preduzeća“, InfoM - Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia Systems, Vol.25, 2008
31. Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Vitković, N., 2008, “Korišćenje WSMO za razvoj semantičkih mreža snabdevanja”, YU INFO, Kopaonik, 2008.
32. N.Korunović, M.Trajanović, M.Stojković, Finite Element Model For Steady-State Rolling Tire Analysis, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, Vol 2, No 1, SDRM, 2008.
33. Gordana M. Stefanović, Miroslav D. Trajanović, Neven Duić, Martina M. Ferk, Pollution data tracking in the Western Balkan countries: a state-of –the –art review, Thermal Science,  Year 2008, Vol. 12, Issue 4, Pages 105 - 112
34. Miroslav Trajanović, Miodrag Zdravković, Nikola Korunović, XV Skup Trendovi razvoja: “ Doktorske studije u Srbiji, regionu i EU ”, Kopaonik, 2. –5. 03. 2009.
35. Miroslav Trajanović, Nikola Vitković, Milan Trifunović, Stojanka Arsić, Novi pristup u generisanju interpolacionih  površina fizičkih objekata, YUINFO 2009, Kopaonik 2009.
36. Trajanovic M., Vitkovic N., Stojkovic M., Manic M., Arsic S., The morphological approach to geometrical modelling of the distal femur, SEECCM 2009, 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, An IACM-ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 22–24 June 2009
37. Nikola Korunovic, Miroslav Trajanovic, Milos Stojkovic, Dragan T. Misic, Finite element model for parametric studies of tire geometry using steady state rolling analysis, SEECCM 2009, 2nd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, An IACM-ECCOMAS Special Interest Conference, Rhodes, Greece, 22–24 June 2009
38. M. Stojkovic, M. Trajanovic , N. Vitkovic, J. Milovanovic, S. Аrsic, M. Mitkovic , Referential geometrical entities for reverse modeling of geometry of femur,  Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing - VipIMАGE 2009, Porto, Portugal, 14.-16. October 2009
39. Zdravković M., Panetto H., Trajanović M., Concept of Semantic Information Pool for manufacturing supply networks, 5th International Working Conference ’’ Total Quality Management’’ ,   1st- 4th June,   2009,  Belgrade
40. Trajanović M., Mitković M., Vitković N., Milovanović J., Definisanje zahteva aplikacije za planiranje operacija u hirurgiji koštano zglobnog sistema, IMK-14 Istraživanje i razvoj, godina XV, broj 1-2, 2009., pp 5-11
41. Milovanović J., Trajanović M., Vitković N., Stojković M., Rapid prototyping tehnologije i materijali za izradu implantata, IMK-14 Istraživanje i razvoj, godina XV, broj 1-2, 2009., pp 23-29.
42. Zdravković M., Trajanović M., Integrated Product Ontologies for Inter-Organizational Networks, Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), Volume 6, Number 2, December 2009., pp 29 – 46, UDC 004.72, DOI: 10.2298/csis0902029Z
43. Milovanovic, M. Stojkovic, M. Trajanovic, “Rapid Tooling of Tyre Tread Ring Mould Using Direct Metal Laser Sintering”, JSIR-Journal of Scientific Industrial Research, Vol.68(12), December 2009, pp 1038-1042,, ISSN: 0975-1084 (Online), ISSN: 0022-4456.
44. Mišić D., Domazet D., Trajanović M, Manić M., Zdravković M., Concept of the exception handling system for manufacturing business processes, Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS),
45. Mišić D., Stojkovic M., Domazet D., Trajanović M, Manić M., Trifunovic M., Exception detection in business process management systems, JSIR, Vol.69(03), March 2010, pp 1038-1042
46. Milos Stojkovic,  Jelena Milovanovic,  Nikola Vitkovic,  Miroslav Trajanovic,  Nenad Grujovic, Vladimir Milivojevic, Slobodan Milisavljevic, Stanko Mrvic, Reverse modeling and solid free-form fabrication of sternum implant, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine: Volume 33, Issue 3 (2010), Page 243-250, DOI: 10.1007/s13246-010-0029-1

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