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Početna strana  > Vesti > 1st workshop on Future INternet Enterprise Systems – FINES 2010
1st workshop on Future INternet Enterprise Systems – FINES 2010
Radionica sa temom "Ontologije i interoperabilnost" će se održati u sredu, 10.11.2010, 11:00, u sali na 6-tom spratu fakulteta.

1st workshop on Future INternet Enterprise Systems – FINES 2010: Ontologies and Interoperability

Organized by: Laboratory for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš

Venue: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Innovation Center for Information Technologies (ICIT), ul. Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Sixth floor

Date and time: Wednesday, 10.11.2010, 11:00


10:30 – 11:20

Reception and registration


11:20 – 11:40

Welcome notes

- Miss. Aziliz Toupin, French Center Niš, Director

- prof. Vesna Lopičić, University of Niš, Vice-rector for international cooperation

Scientific Session, Chairs: Prof. Hervé Panetto, Prof. Miroslav Trajanović

11:40 – 12:10

A framework for analyzing product information traceability

Hervé Panetto

12:10 – 12:40

GeoNis - framework for semantic GIS interoperability

Leonid Stoimenov, Aleksandar Stanimirović

12:45 – 13:15

Enterprise Information Systems: a proposition for conceptualisation and interoperability evaluation

Alexis Aubry, Mario Lezoche

13:15 – 13:45

Semantic interoperability in supply chain networks

Milan Zdravković, Miroslav Trajanović

Discussion and conclusions

Workshop Lecturers

Dr. Hervé PANETTO is Professor of Enterprise Information Systems at Nancy-University where he teaches Information Systems modelling and development at ESIAL School of Engineering in Information Technology and conducts research at CRAN (Research Centre for Automatic Control), laboratory associated with CNRS. His research field is based on information systems modelling for enterprise applications and processes interoperability, with applications in enterprise modelling, manufacturing processes modelling, furniture data modelling. He is expert at AFNOR (French National standardisation body), CEN TC310 and ISO TC184/SC4 and SC5. He participated in many European projects including IMS FP5-IST Smart-fm project (awarded by IMS) and the FP6 INTEROP NoE (Interoperability Research for Networked Enterprises Applications and Software). He is serving as expert-evaluator for the European Commission in the domain of ICT. He is editor or guest editor of books and special issues of international journals. He is author or co-author of more than 100 papers in the field of Automation Engineering, Enterprise Modelling and Enterprise systems integration and interoperability. He is currently Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee 5.3 “Enterprise Integration and Networking”.

Dr. Alexis AUBRY is Associate Professor at Nancy-University where he teaches Computer Engineering and Production Management. He conducts research at CRAN (Research Centre for Automatic Control), Joint Research Unit associated with CNRS. Since 2004, he is engineer graduated from Grenoble Institute of Technology in Automation Engineering. He received his PhD on Production Engineering in 2007. He has strong experience in Operational Research and Decision aiding under uncertainty applied to optimisation of production systems. He is presently working on formalisation, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of interoperability among the Enterprise Information Systems.

Dr. Mario Lezoche is an Italian Contract Assistant Professor at Nancy-University, specifically at ESIAL (Computer Science and Application Lorraine Superior School) where he teaches Object conception and Data Base. Since 2004, he is engineer graduated from Roma TRE University in Computer Science Engineering. He has good experience in Semantic Web Research and in Models and Semantics for product centred systems interoperability. He is presently working on Conceptualisation Approach for Enterprise Information Systems interoperability.

Dr. Miroslav Trajanović is full professor at University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. With more than 30 years of experience in education, he teaches courses of Information Technology in Mechanical Engineering, Machine Tools, Modeling and Optimization of Production Systems, Rapid Prototyping Technologies, CNC Machines and Robots. Since 2007, he is head of the Chair for manufacturing systems, information technology and industrial management. He managed 14 national projects, funded by the Ministry of Science and coordinated national teams in 4 European (FP6, FP7) projects. His research interests cover rapid prototyping technologies, finite element analysis and application of contemporary ICT technologies in enterprise applications and digital libraries. He is author or co-author of more than 130 scientific and professional published papers. He is national representative in Steering Group for Human Resources and Mobility, of European Commission and bridgehead of the national EURAXESS network.

Dr. Leonid Stoimenov received the BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in computer science at the University of Niš, Serbia. Hi is currently an associate professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science at Faculty of Electronic Engineering at this University. His research interests in computer science include interoperability, information integration, semantics and ontologies, geo-information and e- systems. He is a member of IEEE, IAENG and representative in AGILE association of GIS laboratories in Europe.

Milan Zdravković is teaching and research assistant at University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, where he conducts research in implementation of innovative concepts and solutions for collaboration networks - clusters, virtual enterprises, virtual teams and supply chain networks. He has 10 years of service industry experience, working in strategy development, analysis, implementation and evaluation of enterprise applications. He is author of more than 20 papers in fields of collaborative content management and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications.

Aleksandar Stanimirović received the BSc, MSc degrees in computer science at the University of Niš, Serbia. His PhD research is concerned with spatial data modeling as well as design and development of methodologies and tools for managing spatial data. Since 2000 he is working as a teaching assistant with the Department of Computer Science. He is a student member of IEEE.

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Vaša IP adresa je:
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, ul. Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Srbija.
Telefoni: Odsek za nastavna i studentska pitanja: 018/588-228; Dekanat: 018/588-255;
Računarski centar: 018/588-229; Zavod: 018/588-199; Sekretar: 018/588-233; Faks: 018/588-244;
E-mail:; PIB: 100662813; Žiro račun: 840-1745666-63.